Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Angels in the sky

Everything about airlines and flying fascinated me when I was a child. Words like Boeing, Jumbo Jet, take-off.. the roar of the engines, the white streaks they leave behind in the blue skies.. everything. going to the airport was a dream come true. to dress-up, to get there early so you get to see at least a couple of landings and take-offs, the big suitcases with those colorful stickers, those celebrities and all was sheer joy. the little articles that they give you on-board: from the head phones to the breath-mint, were all souvenirs worth cherishing more than the trip itself.

but of late, as someone who is required to travel quite a bit for work, I cant tell you how much I have started to dislike flying. I have heard and read a lot about the long lines at the security and check-in counters, but for a seasoned traveler who prefers to travel light this is rarely a problem.

my issues are with the flight attendants and flight attendants only. I refuse to call them the 'host' or 'hostess'. Is being rude a pre-requisite for this job, or do they hire normal people and train them to be rude? Is it their union or the airlines who train them? Cant airlines fly without them?

Let's analyze.

What really is their job? Is it that of a PA announcer? "You have boarded flight no: XXX headed to ABC." Doesn't your ticket tell you that. Also don't they check this when you board anyway.

Maybe they are there to throw the peanut packets at us and refuse the free soda. How about they let us take one (one only) from a shelf at the gate itself as we board.

Or is to close the door and lock us in under their command? Can't the pilots do that? Lock us in and lock themselves in again?

May be they are there for a little in-flight entertainment. No, I am not talking about the movie. I am talking about the the little dance that they do looking straight into the rear end of the plane, during the so called 'safety instructions'. It reminds me of my friend working out on his Wii-fit staring at his wall mounted TV. Why can't they use the little TV monitors for this and the movie?

Ok surely they are there to save our lives then in case of a disaster. You think?? Well, if they wont help a 70 year old man to his seat or a lady with 3 children load her bags (that is the job of the good Samaritans in the aisle seats), in a plane safely parked in the airport; then sure as hell, I don't trust them to come and save my life if my flight were ever to sail on the Hudson.

Finally, I think I may have the answer. Yes. They are there to save you money. 'cos they have the POWER to check your bags in for free from inside the flight. If you were to do it outside at the check in counter, you will be charged.

Yes, that is the only reason they are there. EUREKA!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Citi never (lets you) sleep!!

Had I written this blog yesterday, I am sure I would have started with expletives!! I was red in rage after finishing my 'customer service' call with the bank. The reason I had called them was to confirm if they were serious about the mail I had received a week ago. Firstly, I strongly believe that all these banks and timeshare companies should be made to pay more than the mere postage for all the junk they send. I would really like for someone to come up with a study on how many trees are actually torn down to tell us "You have been pre-selected as a privileged few" or that "You have won a free cruise vacation in exchange for $800 a year for the next 40 years".

So the mail from the bank says that the introductory period promotion for my credit card is over and my interest rate was now going to be raised from 6.99 to 29.99%. The funniest line in that email was that I had the option to opt out. "well.. hell ya.. you bet I was gonna opt out".

So I called the bank yesterday and was promptly 'serviced' by a very energetic young sounding service professional. I cant help but see the humor in the word "Service call" here. First they lure you. Your human instincts take over. Then they screw you, make you pay and thank you for your business. Case closed.

So ya.. true to its word in that letter, they were for sure raising the interest from 6.99 to 29.99 from December. And ya, they were charging me 16.99 for November as the promotion at 6.99 ended in October. That little detail btw is for us to figure out, they just dont tell you. I can opt out of their very friendly 29.99% plan and continue to pay 16.99 if I chose to, but by opting to their 29.99% plan, they were running a special. Each month, they would credit back 10% for the previous month interest charged. So they charge you 29.99, hold the money for a month and then give you 10% back. effectively charging you 19%!!!

Surprised.. Me too.. I asked them that. "So I can do nothing and let you charge me 29.99% or willfully opt in and get charged 19.99% effective or opt out and get charged 16.99 regular". "What would you do?" I asked them.

"Unfortunately, we cannot provide any financial advice sir. That would be our financial services team. Would you like to be transferred?" was the innocent reponse.

"Ok. Tell me this.. who would willfully drop a 16% rate and sign up for 19%" I asked.

"Sir, that is just to show that the option exists for our customers" was the response.

The usual blackmail of "I want to close the account then" did not work either. They were happy to transfer the call to the dept that could accept payments over the phone.

So here I am. Paying off the the balance in full tommorow, but for you folks reading this, the message is: they are really tightening the 'screws' and so pay particular attention to the junk mail from the banks these days. Your vacations can still go to trash!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

An unusual birthday surprise..

My friendship with ARR (not AR Rahman...) can be best described as 'unusual'. We were born only 2 days apart, chose to marry Geminis who were born 4 days apart and we even married around the same time, same year. And one can say all this was destiny, nothing was forced. So is our friendship. Anything common that we ever had, ends right here.

In reality we cannot be more different from each other. For instance, my wardrobe has a lot of black, blue and grey while he has neons and camouflage prints. Reptiles give me goosebumps, he breeds them. My idea of a vacation would be a resort by the beach; he was planning his honeymoon in a jungle. French beard was the farthest I would go; he started with an eyebrow piercing. I am all left brain and he is mostly right brain. The point I am trying to drive home is that we could never think like each other and yet so often took the liberty to do so; invariably ending up in a pickle every single time. One such incident was on the day I turned 18.

After spending most of the day with my friends (ARR included), I finally reached home around 8 in the evening. I was on my way to my room, when my mom stopped me and 'handed' me a briefcase. She said it was from ARR who had stopped by earlier and his instructions were clear. She had to personally hand it over to me. "Do not leave it in his room, don't let his sister or anyone else give it to him. Aunty, you.. only you, should hand it to him" were his orders.

"He was with me all day, he could have given it to me then", I wondered. "May be he only got it ready in the evening. Or maybe he did not want to give it in front of them all" I was trying to reason. Although I was very excited to open the briefcase to see what was inside, I knew that with ARR and the peculiar way that 'beautiful mind' worked it was best that I do that in private.

I walked up to my room, bolted the door behind me and set the suitcase on my bed. "What could it be?", I was trying to guess. I shook the briefcase and it sounded like there was glass inside. I decided to open it. I couldn't. The key combination was off. After a couple of tries, I thought I will just call ARR and follow instructions.

I called him and he wasn't around. I waited impatiently. Another couple of tries on the key combination. Birthdays, Phone Number etc. Nothing worked. Called him again. No one knew where he was.

I could not wait anymore. The suspense was killing me. I decided to break in. Went down to the kitchen, took the biggest of the knives and came back to my room. The suitcase looked quite old and definitely tossed around. By the looks of it, I could tell that only the contents of the case were valuable, not the case itself.

I tried gently at first from the sides. Soon realized that they were the toughest areas to get in as they were heavily padded. The center of the suitcase looked the softest and most vulnerable. The underside even had a circular spot right around the center where the leather was faded-almost like a bull's eye -looked inviting. Without much hesitation I sent the knife right through that spot and ripped the case open. Much to my delight, there was bottle of beer, still cold and a few other 'essential' gifts for someone who had just turned 18.

I had finished about half the bottle, when the phone rang. It was ARR on the other end. "Did your mom give you the briefcase?" he asked specifically.

"Yup. Thanks MAAN", I said.

"Wait till you see whats inside", he bragged.

"I know. Thanks a lot for the beer" I said.

"What? but... what? you.. how did you open the briefcase?" he asked.

I told him what I did.

He could not talk. "Dude.. you there" I asked. He still could not talk. I could hear him breathing heavily in the background. Very nervously he said "we gotta a problem, I am coming over".

He was home in no time. He narrated his whole plan. His idea was to have my mom symbolically hand me the beer and the other 'essentials' - almost in a way of crowning her son and wishing him the best as he stepped into his adulthood. This of course had to be done not so conspicuously and so the services of the briefcase were used. He was supposed to come back again, have me open the briefcase, we both have the beer and then he would leave with the suitcase.

The suitcase had to be back home that same day. The next day, his dad would leave for work as usual. He would carry all his work stuff in that very same briefcase as usual, as he had done for the last 16 years. Something he was extremely sentimental about and that something was lying on the floor in my room now with a 12 inch gash running through the center.

Over the next 3 days, we tried every suitcase repair store in the city to see if anyone can perform a re constructive surgery and restore the suitcase to its old glory. Sadly for us, no one was up to it. We finally came up with a very convincing story of how I accidentally ran my car over the suitcase to ARR's dad. I don't think he quite bought it.

Needless to say ARR did not get to celebrate his birthday that year. At least the way he had hoped, for his 18th.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our First Interview - FINALE

We were about 20 mins away from the hotel. No one was talking. C and I were wondering why D hadn't messaged (SMS) us. Was everything going according to our plan? Any issues at the hotel or with the camcorder? We couldn't call to check. We were getting nervous.

Meanwhile in the back seat, A and B were sweating for a different reason. "Will it be a group interview? What kind of technical questions is he going to ask? Will there be a written test?" they wondered.

Finally, the silence is broken by a scream from A. We pull over. "What's the matter now?" asked C turning over.

"I forgot my belt" says A. "Cant meet him like this. We need to stop somewhere and buy one" he commands.

"No way. No time to waste" protests B.

"I wasn't talking to you" A simply dismisses B.

"You stay back in the car" shouts back B. "That was your original plan any way".

"I don't think that should matter", I tell A assuringly in an attempt to diffuse the tension. "Lets just get on with it.

C sensing an opportunity here tells A, "Ok. But no detour. Only if you find something on the way". A is relieved while B is frustrated. They turn away from each other.

2 minutes down the road we come across a busy intersection and we stop for A's shopping. He walks into a store and then another. He comes out empty handed and walks into a bakery.

"He is not going in there looking for a belt, is he" says B surprised.

"Must be to ask someone about the shops around" me stating the obvious, although with A you could never tell.

C's phone finally beeps. C looks into his phone, doesn't say a word but the satisfaction on his face says it all. The message was from D and we have a go.

He straightens up in his seat and shouts out to A. "Lets go, Lets go".

We soon arrive at the hotel. A quick check at the front desk for the HR manager and we are pointed to the lone man sitting in their lobby. We walk over.

C steps forward, shakes hand and introduces himself (again) to the man he spent most of the morning with. We all get introduced to the interviewer.

About the interviewer: if it were not for the blog he would need no introduction. In person he is the kind who will march into a crowd announcing himself, have them engaged at all times, very sharp, quick witted and knowledgeable in a wide range of topics. His Achilles heel if any was in the area of computers, the very same topic he was going to interview us on. Simply put, for him (thanks to his arts degree and his family's flourishing garment business) terms like software and hardware simply translated to a measure of comfort for your garment. 'Inner wear' to be precise.

Soon we are asked to fill out forms (letterheads with the logo) with details like contact info, area of study, computer skills, hobbies etc. Suddenly we hear a lot of noise behind us. All of us turnaround. A group of about 40, men and women, all middle aged walk around us towards the restaurant. A and B return to the forms, while C and I are on the edge. The interviewer sensing the panic says " I will be in the restaurant. You guys finish your forms and wait until you are called." He walked behind the crowd and disappeared into the restaurant.

Inside he met with D who was in the kitchen (a strictly employees only area) socializing with the waiters. So as to make sure no one occupies the 'spot light' table a 'reserved' sign is placed. They wait for everyone to be seated to make sure there is no further disturbance. Soon a waiter is sent to us.

C is called in first. He walked in, gave the interviewer a set of basic questions to ask,told him a little about the MNC interviewing process etc. Outside - "Its his sister's company. He is sure to get the job" one of us remarked. Soon he walked out, looking very relaxed.

"How did it go?" all of us asked. "Cool" was his simple reply. "He wants you in next" he pointed at me.

I go in. The table was easy to spot. It was at the geometric center of the restaurant and possibly the only table in the restaurant which could be seen in full view from anywhere inside. We go over the questions and the possible answers suggested by C once again and I walked out.

"How did it go?" asked C. "Did he ask anything Technical?" asked B. "Give me your belt" jumped in A. "Nothing very technical, the guy is very chill" I said, as A started undressing me in the hotel lobby.

With the folder in his mouth, A quickly gets the belt around his waist, adjusts the tie and walks confidently into the restaurant.

"Take your seat" tells the interviewer pointing to the chair on the left. A innocently sits on the chair to the right much to the interviewer's dismay, as he now has his back facing the camera.

"What are you doing?" he asks A. A is puzzled. "I said take your seat. Not to sit down". A is speechless. "Take the seat, turn it around and then sit" he says. "I don't want you to see the notes I am taking" he tells A. A quietly obeys and turns the chair around dragging along a black wire running under the table (the Camcorder's power supply). More trouble for the interviewer.

"Get out", he tells A.

"Sorry, what" asks A nervously, but clearly irritated with the interviewer's attitude.

"Wait outside for a couple of minutes. I need a break. I will come and get you" he tells A.

A comes out of the restaurant, but doesn't walk over to us. The interview is still not over, he gestures. So we wait. "How is it going?" we try to ask. He just winks assuring that everything was under control.

Meanwhile inside, D swings into action, gets the camcorder rolling again, removes one of the chairs and any confusion it may bring and disappears again.

Soon, A is called in again.

After about 20 mins, A finally walks out visibly exhausted, sweating profusely- his shirt was sticking to his skin - hair all messy and holding the tie in his hand. We line up behind one another wanting to know how things went on. "Stress interview" is all he says, throwing the folder on the coffee table and falling on one of the couches.

We give him a minute or two. He finally speaks again. "That guy is a psycho".

"Why?" asked B who was going in next.

"You will know" tells A without giving away much.

"Why did he send you out first?" asks B desperate to know more. A narrates the "Take your seat" incident.

It was time for B now. The nervous smile that was on his face all afternoon was gone. He wasn't smiling anymore; just nervous. He reluctantly walked towards the restaurant door. Even more reluctantly to the table.

"Sit down" the interviewer tells B. B doesn't move. He recollects A's experience. "Sit down. Does he mean sit on the floor?" he wonders. He uncomfortably crouches to sit, prepared to alter course if the interviewer thinks other wise.

No response from the interviewer. First impression made. B thinks. After a couple of stereotype technical questions that B answers well and to the point, his confidence starts building. He even starts wondering why A thought this guy was a psycho. "He is an idiot", B thought.

"what languages do you know?" the interviewer asks.

"C, C++, VB, SQL" B goes on.

"Hold, hold". interrupts the interviewer. "What makes you think I was talking about computer languages?"

Yup. Psycho - B quickly concludes. "Sorry, but I was thinking.."

"Hold". The interviewer interrupts him again, now his eyes deeply focussed on something in the form filled out by B earlier.

"Your hobby. It says martial arts". He read.

"Yes sir. I am actually one level below black" boasts B. (I am sure he regrets having said that even today).

The interviewer at this point was frothing in his mouth I should say. From that point on, he got B to give him a full demonstration of every martial art stunt B had learnt over the years. From warm ups to defense to offence to the bow and handshake. And the accompanying sounds for each. He even had imaginary aggressors in a spoon and a fork that B had to punch and kick. B now had the complete attention of the 40 odd people there, who were mighty impressed with the skills of our warrior.

Half an hour later, B finally walked out. His shirt sticking out on one side, partially unbuttoned and the tie hanging outside one of his pockets.

"What happened?" C asked rushing to him.

"Lets us just leave" said B. "I will tell you all about it in the car".

"Let me at least thank him". C said.

"He wanted us to go. He will let your sister know how we did. Lets just go" was B's hurried response.

"Ya. Let's go." A joined.

In the car we heard all about B's ordeal inside.

"He made you do what?" I asked in disbelief. Although things were still a secret, we couldn't help laughing. At least C and I, that is. A still was not smiling.

"He made me dance. Psycho maniac" A slowly opened up.

The car came to a screaching halt.

"What?" C and I screamed turning back.

"Ya he made me wear my tie around my forehead and dance", revealed A, his temper boiling. Apparently A's 'Hobby' field in the form read dancing.

C and I were so eager to get back and watch the tape. D now was already at the base with the interviewer. And the tape.

We reached home and to my room. C opened the door and the 3 of us walked in behind him to join the 2 men waiting.

A and B saw their tormentor standing in front of them. It was as though they were staring at a ghost. No one spoke although we were all standing very light on our feet ready to duck or dive fearing aggression from A and B.

After a lengthy argument and a very passive aggressive 2 weeks with A and B, lets us just say that C, D and I had to work hard for a compromise. The demands included maintaining absolute secrecy about the entire incident, erasing the tape in front of them and then destroying it etc.

But as the picture in part one says, thankfully, we did not have to give up our right to blog.

At least that something, I think we truly earned and totally deserved !!!

--The End--

image source: istockphoto

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our First Interview - continued

Around 10AM.

Interviewer - ready.
Letter heads - ready.
Camcorder - charged and ready to roll.

C even managed to get a very original looking laptop from his cousin, to compliment the interviewer's professional looks. Black, sleek and rugged from outside, but had a static image of a smiling elephant, a hanging monkey and couple of other animals for a screen. It was a toy laptop alright, one that was never going to be opened, but just had to be there.

Hotels?? - no go. We hit a snag.

2 of the 3 'big' hotels we had earmarked for the operation were not ok about us setting up a candid camera. The third one, the biggest of them all, generously offered their banquet hall that could seat 800. "How many in your party sir?" D is asked. 4.. maybe 5.. D is thinking. "Sir, How many guests?", the ever eager hotel front desk asks D, hoping to get a last minute booking for their well-appointed banquet hall. "That, I will have to check" replied D taking his cell phone to call us and quickly making his way out of the hotel.

"Guys, we have a problem", D sounds desperate on the phone. "All 3 hotels are not going to let us place the camera" he explains. "May be we will try a smaller hotel" he suggested.

"NO" C and I shout in chorus. "No MNC will book a run-down hotel for their HR-Manager (or director I don't remember); it has to be one of these 3" we reiterate.

"Ok, how about we drop the camera plan then?" asked D nervously. "NO way.. you outta your mind!!" we shout back. "ok.. ok"- D surrenders meekly.

"Stay put. We are coming over" - C and I wanting to take control of the situation, meet D at the rendezvous point. D refuses to step inside any of the 3 hotels again with the same request. Poor guy had already tried every trick in the book and was politely shown the door at 2 and he walked out of the third voluntarily before being laughed at.

As one last ditch effort, we wanted to try this hotel on the outskirts of town, which none of us had ever set foot into. We weren't sure if the hotel was even functioning due to low occupancy, half a dozen police raids etc. But was still worth a try.

A couple of phone calls (we had our sources) and we know the hotel is open, even had a recent management change and the reviews were good. So we drive over. The hotel staff were all eager to please and willing to co-operate with us entirely. They said we could use any spot in the restaurant that suits our angles and lighting requirements as they weren't expecting anyone else that entire day. They even offered to partake in our plot with the only condition that one of us at least order for soup. We agreed.

Back to the base and we place the first phone call to A.

"Dude, we have someone in town, that C's sister wants us to meet. Some biggie from her company. Thought we'll let you know".

"What time?"A sounds excited. "say 30 mins" I replied. "Ok, I will be at your place" said A and hung up.

Second phone call to B. Same message.

"Wait for me" shouted B. "I need to shower and press my clothes. Can you come and get me?" asked B.

"No" was my cold reply."Your roomies!! don't tell anyone. Its just the 4 of us. So, you come here". B saw the point and agreed.

5 minutes later, the phone rings. "Ok, I get it. So why don't you guys go ahead with the interview and come back and tell me all about it", A sounding sarcastic. "I think I will just sit this one out".

"Whats the matter" I asked him.

"And you think I wouldn't catch it" boasted A. "That today was the 1st of April".

C could see the disappointment in my face and was hoping that I would come up with something convincing.

"Ok. your call. I dont have time to waste. Just so you know, C is already here and B is on his way" I replied handing the phone over to C.

"Hello" said C and the next thing you could hear was A scrambling to his scooter headed to my house. "but if this is still a prank, then it is not going to count 'cos I already guessed it" yelled A before punching out.

At my room, A opened the door to see C and I dressed to make quite an impression and B pressing his shirt. A, I should say was still in his Sunday clothes. Still did not want to believe us, but smart enough to have packed a clean set of formal clothes crisply pressed and neatly folded in the trunk of his 2 wheeler.

Clearly no one would go through so much trouble to pull a prank - I think he thought - and ran straight to his 2 wheeler.

soon there were 2 cars headed to this mysterious hotel. The one that got a good head start had D and the interviewer in it. A, B, C and I followed with C driving ever so slowly to give D enough time to set the camcorder rolling.

foot note: Again, apologies. But had to break it out..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our First Interview

"what time does FoodWorld close?" screamed C, his head still stuck into the refrigerator. "Whats the matter?" I ask. "we are outta coke!!" he exhales. One of those rare occasions (if not the only one) when we had the exact opposite of the usual problem - more alcohol than the 'mixing'.. thanks to our teetotaler friend (let us just call him D) who stuck only to the cola.

"Dude, what kinda host are you?" I yelled at C. "Screw" he shouts back. After all it was his place, his kitchen, his music that was blaring. But all that dint matter. His mom was returning the day after and this was possibly the last 'Home Alone' situation before the exams would run us dry for a month. What a premature end to the party...

"Big Deal", D finally speaks. "The bakery by the bus stand should be open" he says assuringly. C and I ignore him. Little did D know how things worked on our side of the world. He could have never guessed the kind of budget restrictions that came in with a little love for intoxication. Everything from the combination of food and snacks to waiter's tip was already factored in and there was no way coke could fit in. Because.. because.. coke was always on the house.. courtesy C's sister and her Multi National Company (MNC) job and a little something called the Sodexho coupon (and god bless them for that). She always used to generously( and innocently) gift these coupons to her little brother and FoodWorld was the only place in our little town where these coupons could get us anything other than strange looks!!

"12 on Fridays and 11 on Saturdays" I say doubtfully. "Doesn't matter, it is 12 and that makes it a Sunday", says D getting technical. "the first of April". And no one talks for a minute.

"when was the last time you guys pulled a serious prank on anyone?" asked C one eye-brow raised. I was still holding the empty coke bottle upside down salvaging what was left. "what do you mean?" asked D his face opening up with a smile.

"when was the last time you guys pulled a serious prank on anyone?" asked C again. "what say, we do something this time?". This time he had my complete attention as well.

I vaguely remember what transpired, but over the next 20 mins, I know we were talking in whispers and maybe we even were in a huddle.

So here goes the plot:

the idea: no idea. pick the targets first and the idea will fall in place. of course everyone had a strength to be tested or a weakness to be poked.

place: pick the idea first and then pick the place.

date: had to be the very same day. Fool's day.

The target: For no apparent reason A was the target that came to all of our minds first. "And?" I asked. "What, you mean you want another one?" questioned D. "Of course, grand plan. we need a backup if A does not show up", I explained. "Agreed" said C. "Besides it will ease some pressure off A after the fact".

We picked B. Why? Well B was again an easy, trustworthy target. With B it was like, you set the trap, point him to that and he will march right into it happily waving at you.

It was about 4 in the morning and finally the plot was hatched!! We had forgotten all about the coke long ago as we are on such a high working on the plot. Every little detail mattered!!

After a lot of debate and PRO-CON analysis we agreed that we should set up a job interview for A and B (I think it had something to do with us entering the final year of college soon). Have them do funny things, get it taped and hold them to ransom.

From that point on, the kind of improvisation we brought in to our primitive idea amazes me till date.

The interviewer - had to be someone C, D and I knew; but a stranger to A and B. That was easy. We had plenty to choose from. But we obviously picked the best.

The candidates: A, B, C and I. C and I had to take the interview too, to make it all seem real.

The company: Again the MNC that C's sister worked for. Reason: courtesy her, we had a T-shirt with the company logo that the interviewer can wear. More credibility. We even printed letter heads with the company's logo for the interviewer to scribble on. Even more credibility..

The place: Choose a public place like a hotel and make it beleivable.

Operations Command Center: My house. I still wonder why, as C's house would have worked better given the fact that he was still going to be home alone and we wouldn't have to deal with my folks through our mission.

So it was sunrise and the 3 of us set out in 3 different directions. C set out to meet the interviewer, hand over the T-shirt and give him a briefing. I was supposed to join C after securing a camcorder.

D set out to arrange for the hotel and get the letter heads printed. We had to keep the (cell) phone lines open and update each other every step of the way.

Footnote: so as to not lose the quintessential details of what I think is an amazing story, I am having to break the blog. Will let you know about the interview in part 2.

Friday, October 2, 2009

God of small things

it would be 8 months back to this date that a 12-lb puppy walked into our friend's yard out of nowhere. for someone that young and that small, he seemed to be in a fairly good shape after battling it out on the streets for over 2 weeks.

the dog-lover that my girlfriend (wife now) was, took him along hoping that someone would come looking for him. we set forth a very decisive plan of action. go on an all out effort for the next 2 days to find his owners but on day 3 he HAS to be handed over to an animal shelter.

end of day one, with no response whatsoever we told ourselves, give it another day and someone will come claiming him. we were worried for him.

end of day 2. no response again. by now we were mentally preparing ourselves to take him to the shelter the next day. we listed every possible reason as to why it was the best for him. our work, travel, wedding, apartment pet policy, responsibility.. you name it. by now we were sorry for him. but he had totally different ideas. he was just lying around nearby, listening intently to our debates, with just his eye-balls rolling in the direction of the talker. moving only to yawn and stretch.

day3. he hung on. by now we were working on a different list. more like rules, although they never stood a chance I should say. it ranged from what to feed to how often to bathe him to who was gonna have to walk him. he was not going to interfere with work, our weekend plans, movie watching, travel.. nothing. only vegetarian food, only 2 walks a day, no access to the couch or bed and the list went on.

this day. he is still around. he has us just where he wants us to be. woke up a little after I did from the same bed. wanted a bio-break almost immediately. the rain didn't matter (at least to him). came back rather relieved to dry his wet-self on the couch. and soon he will be up by the table to share my lunch (only the meat I should stress). and he hasn't got to ask. with eyes like that.. one ear up,the other flapping down.. just a little tilt of his face would work..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

curtain raiser

FINALLY, this day, first of oct'09 I got sold to the idea of creating my very own blog. Not that anyone ever tried selling it to me, but I often would like to think about myself as someone who has 'all things considered' before taking a plunge; although I am anything but that..

even though this is my very first post, I am obviously not new to the concept of blogging. I've been an avid reader of numerous blogs and have enjoyed some of them thoroughly, even at times felt motivated by some to start my own blog some day. and I had it all in my mind. I had picked out everything from theme to topics to events; even the date and inspiration to start my own blog. the ideas have ranged from travelogues to a mother's day tribute to even sharing the joy of having the most adorable pooch.

nothing ever happened. plain LAZY.

so why today? no birthdays, no beginning of the month resolutions, no anniversaries or any other remembrances. why?

well, its mid-day and I am sitting brain dead looking at my comp running an installation for the past 45 minutes with nothing to do. I am the kinda of person who always HAS to do something at all times; and that doesn't make me an achiever by any stretch.if it was a year back this blog would have literally been up in smoke. and I mean it. I would have stepped out for a smoke and felt like I did something with the time I had. but not today.

so here I go. my very own blog.

disclaimer: ain't a writer. so excuse the grammar/spelling. I will be writing in chatty English. wont write ever so often. only when I need a work out for my brain.
see ya