Thursday, October 1, 2009

curtain raiser

FINALLY, this day, first of oct'09 I got sold to the idea of creating my very own blog. Not that anyone ever tried selling it to me, but I often would like to think about myself as someone who has 'all things considered' before taking a plunge; although I am anything but that..

even though this is my very first post, I am obviously not new to the concept of blogging. I've been an avid reader of numerous blogs and have enjoyed some of them thoroughly, even at times felt motivated by some to start my own blog some day. and I had it all in my mind. I had picked out everything from theme to topics to events; even the date and inspiration to start my own blog. the ideas have ranged from travelogues to a mother's day tribute to even sharing the joy of having the most adorable pooch.

nothing ever happened. plain LAZY.

so why today? no birthdays, no beginning of the month resolutions, no anniversaries or any other remembrances. why?

well, its mid-day and I am sitting brain dead looking at my comp running an installation for the past 45 minutes with nothing to do. I am the kinda of person who always HAS to do something at all times; and that doesn't make me an achiever by any stretch.if it was a year back this blog would have literally been up in smoke. and I mean it. I would have stepped out for a smoke and felt like I did something with the time I had. but not today.

so here I go. my very own blog.

disclaimer: ain't a writer. so excuse the grammar/spelling. I will be writing in chatty English. wont write ever so often. only when I need a work out for my brain.
see ya


  1. I very well know you consider all things before you take the plunge. for crying out loud, you dated your wife for 10 years before you proposed!

    Anyway, good start man. I meant your quick decision making with the new blog.

  2. haha.. here some new facts are revealed... anyway.. post more sir... :)
